Parliamentary reply by DPM Teo Chee Hean on breakdown of current and projected population size
Mr Gan Thiam Poh:
To ask the Prime Minister (a) what is the current population of (i) Singaporeans and permanent residents (ii) foreign workers broken down by the different types of work passes and permits; and (iii) tourists and shortterm visit pass holders; and (b) what is the projected population of these persons for 2020.
Mr Teo Chee Hean (for the Prime Minister):
According to the latest consolidated figures published as at end June 2016:
(a) (i) The resident population, comprised 3.41 million Singapore Citizens (SCs) and 0.52 million Permanent Residents (PRs), totalling 3.93 million.
(ii) There were 1.67 million Non-Residents (NRs). Employment Pass Holders numbered 0.19 million, S Pass Holders 0.18 million, and Work Permit Holders 0.77 million. The rest of the NR population includes foreign domestic workers, dependants of SCs, PRs and work pass holders, and students.
(iii) Tourists and short-term visit pass holders are not included in Singapore’s total population (5.61 million) as they are in Singapore only for a short period of time.
(b) Based on the population estimates laid out in the 2013 Population White Paper, Singapore’s total population could be between 5.8 million and 6 million in 2020, depending on changes to our birth rates, life expectancy, and our social and economic needs. By then, the resident population (comprising SCs and PRs) could be about 4 million, of which SCs could make up about 3.5 million; the non-resident population then would number about 1.8 million.